Randi Karpinia, CEO of Sagacity Legal, was Interviewed on the Influential Entrepreneurs Podcast, Discussing Worldwide Patent Strategies

Listen to the Business Innovators Radio Network interview to learn how to turn an invention into profits using the best patent filing strategy: https://businessinnovatorsradio.com/interview-with-randi-karpinia-ceo-of-sagacity-legal-understanding-worldwide-patent-strategies/ A Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) patent application is an international patent application filed under the Patent Cooperation Treaty. The PCT is an international treaty that provides a unified procedure for filing patent applications. The PCT makes…

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Luke Kinsey, Loan Originator with Prime Lending, Interviewed on the Colorado Real Estate Leaders Podcast

Luke Kinsey discusses the difference between pre-qualified vs. pre-approved and adjustable rate loans. Listen to the interview on the Business Innovators Radio Network:  https://businessinnovatorsradio.com/interview-with-luke-kinsey-loan-originator-with-prime-lending/ Pre-qualification is the first step in applying for a mortgage loan. During this stage, lenders will review financial information to understand a buyer’s borrowing power. They’ll also estimate what interest rate someone could qualify for. This…

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Berj Arakelian, Area Sales Manager with CMG Home Loans, Interviewed on the Influential Entrepreneurs Podcast, Discussing Unique Loan Options for Investors

Berj Arakelian discusses loan options for real estate investors. Listen to the interview on the Business Innovators Radio Network: https://businessinnovatorsradio.com/interview-with-berj-arakelian-area-sales-manager-with-cmg-home-loans-discussing-unique-loan-options-for-investors/   A few different types of mortgage loan options are available to real estate investors. The most common type of loan is the conventional mortgage loan, typically used to purchase primary residences. However, investment property loans are also available for those…

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