Dr. Kenneth Vinton, a top Doctor of Chiropractic, shares how his Vinton Method™ of wellness and pain management has help thousands over the years.

Dr. Kenneth Vinton was the featured guest on Business Innovators Radio with host, Nina Hershberger, talking about how he treats patients using his trademarked Vinton Method of first identifying the true underlying cause of pain or loss of well-being and then using state of the art equipment and methods to resolve the pain.

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Lyn-Dee Eldridge Nominated for “Celebrate You” Wellness Woman of the Year 2020

Lyn-Dee Eldridge of The Happiness Jungle was honored by Celebrate You Wellness in October 2020. She is one of nine women to be honored on Saturday, February 6, 2021, from 5 p.m. – 7 p.m. EST, at the first Celebrate You Woman of the Year Virtual Gala. One nominee will be chosen as the Celebrate You Woman of the Year during the virtual event.

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